There is no youth
count without you
Thank you for participating in the 2024 Los Angeles Youth Count!
Due to wild fires in Los Angeles, the Youth Count 2025 has been postponed and will be held February 19th - February 28th, 2025. Youth Count success is dependent on a community effort. Contact us at: youthcount@yp2f.org.

Text or call for support during the youth count (message and data rates may apply).
Who is Young people to the front and what's their role in the Youth Count?
Young People to the Front (formerly Lens Co) is a research and advocacy organization, coordinates the Youth Count in partnership with USC and LAHSA. They have led this role for three years and have participated in the count since 2018.
What is the role of providers in the Youth Count?
Providers and organizations, as the community experts, play a crucial role in the success of the Youth Count. The effectiveness of the count is attributed to their knowledge of the young people in their community.
What is the Youth Count?
The Youth Count is a point-in-time estimate of the unsheltered youth population in the county, required by HUD. It helps with funding, understanding, and advocacy. While it focuses on unsheltered youth, it acknowledges that many young people, such as couch surfers and those in non-voucher hotels/motels, may not be counted.
The Service Planning Area (SPA) lead organization coordinates the effort in each SPA. Connect with the lead organization to participate, and start preparing and recruiting staff and volunteers for surveys during the count week. Post-COVID, phone surveying was introduced, allowing organizations to call their client list during the week of the count.
How is the Youth Count different from other parts of LA's homeless count?
Unlike the visual tally used in the adult count, the Youth Count is a survey-based count where young people are asked about their housing status. This is done because housing status cannot be visually assessed for youth. The count covers a sample of the county over the course of 10 days, and providers lead the implementation.
Where can I find updated information??
This is the official Youth Count website that contains all of the updated information or connect directly with us for any questions.