A successful Youth Count gets LA closer to ending youth homelessness. Participating Youth Count agencies will need support in surveying and other things necessary to implement the count. Make sure you check out the volunteer FAQs below!

Each day during the Youth Count there will be a Blitz Day in a different part of the County or a different Service Planning Area (SPA). Learn more about what a SPA is here.

SIGN UP for a Blitz Day

The shift you select will be located in the areas below. Shifts will generally start at 9 am and be approximately 4 hours long. Sign up for a shift based on day and location by clicking the links below.


What is a BLITZ DAY? 

A Blitz Day is when groups of providers, advocates, and volunteers come together to cover as much territory as they can in one day. A blitz day helps focus coordination and more efficiently utilize resources. Blitz Days also build community partnerships and connections!

Can I volunteer on a day that is not a Blitz Day?

Possibly! You will need to directly connect with your local youth agency and see where they need support.

What do I need to volunteer for the Youth Count?

Youth Count requires surveyors to canvas parts of Los Angeles County and approach young people who may be experiencing homelessness. Being part of a team that has access to a car is highly encouraged. Data is collected through a smartphone application. Although cars and smartphones are highly encouraged they are not requirements.

What does a volunteer shift look like? 

You will meet up at a deployment site in the area you selected. You will check-in with the Youth Count staff. You will be told what census tracts you will be surveying and given any materials you might need. Each shift will last 4 hours. 

What will training look like? 

Training for community Blitz Days is a self-administered 25 min virtual session.

Where is my SPA?

Search your home or work using the web map below.